외과 교수
학력 및 주요 경력
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 학사 및 수의외과학 석사, 박사
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 부속 동물병원 전임 수의사 (인턴, 레지던트 수료)
- Department of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri 연구원 (Post-Doctoral Fellow)
- 한강 동물병원, 우성 동물병원, 부산 메디컬센터 외과 과장
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 부속 동물병원 Fellow
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 수의과학 연구소, 건국 바이오텍, 리제닉스 연구원
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 외과 교수
- 학회활동
- 한국임상수의학회 학술위원
- 한국수의외과학회 일반외과 위원장
- 주요 논문 및 저서
- Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery, published by Wiley-Blackwell 2011
- Prevalence and relative risk of canine dirofilaiosis among dogs in Seoul, South Korea. The Veterinary Record. 151:577-576;2002
- Oral malignant melanoma in a Labrador Retriever. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 20(4):489-492;2003
- Surgical correction of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia with hepatic necrosis in a Himalayan cat. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 21(1):45-48;2004
- Closure of patent ductus arteriosus with a method of double ligation in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 21(1):72-75;2004
- Surgical removal of stones in the stomach of a tiger shovelnose catfish. Journal of Veterinary Science. 5(3):275-277;2004
- Surgical correction of chronic hypertropic pyloric gastropathy in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 21(4):398-401;2004
- Surgical treatment of sliding hiatal hernia by incisional gastropexy at fundus and pylorus in a Chihuahua dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 22(1):76-78;2005
- Evaluation of sodium carboxymethylcellulose for prevention of adhesion in intestinal anastomosis in dogs. Korean J Vet Res. 45(3):417-421;2005
- The efficacy of surgical treatment with flexible alligator forceps in dogs with heartworm infection. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 22(4):309-313;2005
- Intrapelvic urethral anastomosis in a dog with complete obstruction of proximal membranous urethra. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 23(1):61-64;2006
- Hepatic cirrhosis secondary to chronic hepatitis in an English cocker spaniel dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 23(1):72-76;2006
- Application of double ligation in 3 dogs with patent ductus arteriosus. Korean J Vet Res. 46(2):171-175;2006
- Analysis of modified retinacular imbrication technique in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 24(3):342-344;2007
- Non-surgical treatment for secondary spontaneous pneumothorax associated with bacterial pneumonia in a beagle dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 25(1):31-36;2008
- The safety and efficacy of a new self-expandable intratracheal nitinol stent for the tracheal collapse in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Science. 9(1):91-93:2008
- Bilateral pubic and ischial osteotomy for surgical management of caudal colonic and rectal masses in six dogs and a cat. JAVMA. 232: 1016-1020:2008
- Long bone fracture in raptors: 28 cases (2004-2007). Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 25(3):215-217;2008
- Tibiotarsal and ulnar fracture repair in a great horned owl. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 25(3):218-220;2008
- Surgical correction of pectus excavatum in two cats. Journal of Veterinary Science. 9:335-337;2008
- Grading scheme for veterinary student performance in pass-fail didactic surgery. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 38:61-70:2009
- Surgical stabilization of traumatic medial luxation of scapulohumeral joint and scapular fracture in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Science. 26:276-278;2009
- Surgical repair of rostral hemimandibular fractures with canine tooth luxation in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 26(4):359-361;2009
- Comparison of the amounts of air leakage into the thoracic cavity associated with four thoracostomy tube placement techniques in canine cadavers. AJVR. Sep 1, 70 (9):1161-1167;2009
- Clinical evaluation of three different colopexy techniques in dogs. Indian Veterinary Journal. November, 86:1129-1131;2009
- Surgical treatment of heartworm infection using flexible alligator forceps in dogs. Indian Veterinary Journal. December, 86:1230-1233;2009
- Tibial fracture repair in a black gibbon (hylobates concolor). Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 26(6): 644-646;2009
- Gastrotomy approach retrieval of esophageal foreign body using long forceps technique in five dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 26(6): 628-631;2009
- The use of internal obturator transposition for perineal herniorrhaphy in three dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 26(6): 632-636;2009
- Bilateral ureteral ectopia with renal dysplasia and urolithiasis in a dog. JAAHA. May, 46:209-214;2010
- Clinical effect of additional eletroacupuncture on thoracolumbar disc herniation in 80 paraplegic dogs. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 38:1015-1025;2010
- Treatment of heartworm infection in dogs. Indian Veterinary Journal. October,87:984-986;2010
- Coexistence of Sciatic, Dorsal, and Caudal Perineal Hernias in a Dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 27(5): 584-587;2010
- Lung lobe torsion with concurrent intestinal lymphangiectasia in a Maltese dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 28(2): 262-266;2011
- Surgical correction of an antebrachial deformity with severe external rotation in two dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 28(3): 328-331;2011
- Contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography and volume-rendered imaging for evaluation of cellophane banding in a dog with extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. Journal of South African Veterinary Association. 82(2): 125-128; 2011
- Surgical correction of an aberrant right subclavian artery in a dog. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 52(10):1115-1118;2011
- Comparison of the amount of air leakage into the thoracic cavity associated with three thoracostomy tube materials in canine cadavers. International Journal of Applied Research of Veterinary Medicine. 9(4):369-376;2011
- Clinical analysis of pelvic fracture in 54 dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 28:467-472;2011
- Hypertrophic osteopathy associated with pulmonary adenosquamous carcinoma in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science. 74(5): 667-672;2012
- Long-term follow-up after implantation of autologous adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells to treat a dog with stifle joint osteoarthrosis. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 29(1): 82-86;2012
- Evaluation of a tunneling technique under the latissimus dorsi muscle for thoracostomy tube placement in eleven dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 29(5): 386-371;2012
- Clinical evaluation of tightrope cranial cruciate ligament technique for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament deficiency in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 29(6): 455-459;2012
- Surgical correction of a vesicourachal diverticulum in a cat. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 29(6): 509-512;2012
- Stabilization of recurrent medial shoulder luxation by use of three bone anchors in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 30(1): 45-48;2013
- Synovial hemangioma accompanied by cruciate ligament injury in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 75(2): 237-240;2013)
- Hemipelvectomy in a cat with obstipation. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 30(2): 119-122;2013
- Surgical correction of a congenital or acquired phimosis in two cats. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 30(2): 123-126;2013
- Comparison of techniques for transdiaphragmatic thoracic drainage after diaphragmatic defect closure in dogs: a cadaveric study. Journal of Veterinary Science. 14(2):193-197;2013
- Traumatic triceps tendon avulsion in a dog: magnetic resonance imaging and surgical management evaluation. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 75(10): 1375-1377;2013
- Secondary intracranial tumor associated with nasal adenocarcinoma in a dog: clinical, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, histopathologic findings. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 30(3): 206-209;2013
- Early stage legg-calve-perthes disease in a dog: clinical, surgical, radiological, computed tomography and histological findings. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 30(5): 366-370;2013
- Laparoscopic salpingectomy for sterilization in an Asian Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus). Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 31(2): 149-151;2014
- Clinical application of autologous adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells in five dogs with stifle joint osteoarthrosis. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 31(3): 253-257;2014
- Primary cranial mediastinal hemangiosarcoma in a young dog. Irish Veterinary Journal. 67(15): 1-5;2014
- Surgical correction of a splenophrenic shunt in a dog: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina. 59(8):396-402;2014
- Palliative surgery in two dogs with non-curative palatal tumors. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 31(5): 425-429;2014
- Cystopexy to treat urinary incontinence due to urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence in a male dog. Veterinary Clinics. 31(6): 515-518;2014
- Clinical outcomes of 48 pet ferrets with adrenal disease. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 31(5): 389-393;2014
- Evaluation of the effects of topical zinc gluconate in wound healing. Veterinary Surgery. 43: 972-982;2014
- Cricopharyngeal achalasia in an old dog. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research. 54(4): 261-263;2014
- A case of gunshot injury to the spinal cord in a cat: clinical, surgical, and computed tomographic features. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 32(2): 187-190;2015
- Intercostal thoracotomy in 20 dogs: muscle-sparing versus traditional techniques. J Vet Sci. 16(1): 93-98;2015
- Canine mammary anaplastic carcinoma with concurrent aorto-iliac thorombosis in a dog: a case report. Veterinary Medicina. 60(7): 391-398;2015
- A huge intra-abdominal mass associated with long-term surgical gauze retention in a toy breed dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 33(2): 116-121;2016
- Surgical correction of pseudo-flail chest using interfragmentary wiring, latissimus dorsi flap, and external splinting in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. 33(2): 124-128;2016
- Repair of flail chest using interfragmentary wiring and stability augmentation with basket-weave fashion sutures in a toy breed dog: a case report. Veterinary Medicina. 61(6): 348-352;2016
- Successful response to imatinib in two dogs with inoperable grade III infiltrating mast cell t umours: a case report. Veterinary Medicina. 61(8): 467-473;2016
- Clinical Outcomes of Surgically Managed Spontaneous Tumors in 114 Client-owned Dogs. IMMUNE NETWORK Vol. 16, No. 2: 116-125, April, 2016