정형외과 교수
학력 및 주요 경력
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 학사, 석사 및 박사 (수의외과학 전공)
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 부속 동물병원 인턴 및 레지던트
- Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, research assistant professor
- 건국대학교 수의과대학 외과 교수
- 주요논문 및 저서
- Kim MY, Lee JH, Park HM, et al: Surgical stabilisation of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux associated with idiopathic inflammatory polymyopathy in a Wire Fox Terrier. Veterinární medicína 66:172-178, 2021.
- Choi HI, Kim MY, Yoon HY, et al: Study on the Viability of Canine Nose Pattern as a Unique Biometric Marker. Animals (Basel) 11, 2021.
- Kim MY, Lee JK, Mietelka KA, Han HJ: Case Report: Giant Multilobulated Pseudocystic Jejunal Leiomyosarcoma in a Dog: Atypical Morphologic Features of Canine Intestinal Leiomyosarcoma 9:791133. 2022.
- Kim MY, Han HJ: Optimization of a Two-Step Centrifugation Protocol for Bovine Platelet-Rich Plasma. Acta Veterinaria 72:375-387, 2022.
- Kim MY, Han HJ: The use of epoxy putty external-skeletal fixation in the management of calcaneal fractures in two toy breed dogs. Thai J Vet Med 52:801-806. 2022
- Kim MY, Kim JH, Kim KC, et al: The effectiveness of intraoperative mesenteric portography for preventing misdiagnosis of congenital absence of the portal vein in dog with extrahepatic portosystemic shunt: a case report. Acta Veterinaria Brno 91:267-272, 2022.
- Kim MY, Aerin J, Traslavina RP, et al: Orthotopic ureterocele with concurrent ureteral urothelial carcinoma in a dog. Vet Med Sci 8:1881-1886, 2022.
- Kim MY, Yoon HY: The biomechanical and biological effect of supercooling on cortical bone allograft. J Vet Sci 24:e79, 2023.
- Kim MY, Nam CH, Kim JH, et al: Application of Bifurcated Semitendinosus Muscle Transposition for Treatment of Fecal Incontinence in Two Dogs. Vet Sci 10, 2023.
- Kim MY, Han H-J: Clearance of Trehalose Lyophilized Platelets in Mice. Acta Veterinaria 73:511-518, 2023..
- dependent effect of canine lyophilized platelet on an in vitro hemodilution model. BMC Veterinary Research 19:61. 2023
- Kim MY, Kim SE: Mitigation of gap formation resulting from saw blade in single-cut osteotomy. J Vet Sci 25:e26, 2024.